84codes holds talk at Tjejer Kodar 14 october 8am CET

Topic: Microservices, message queuing and remote working

When: 14 october 2021 8am CET

Level: Beginner (no previous knowledge needed)

Sign up: Yes, take me to the event!

About: Usage of microservices is an an approach used by developers to build truly scalable applications by dividing them into small, independent services instead of building one huge application.

In this talk Anna, Annie and Lovisa from 84codes will help you familiarize with expressions like microservices and message queuing. We will look into why microservices are useful, what it means to build “scalable applications” as well as give an introduction to 84codes as a company and remote working.

Hope to see you there!

NOTE: The talk will be held in Swedish and is a collaboration between 84codes and Tjejer Kodar

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