84codes looking forward to RabbitMQ Summit 2022

For the fourth time, the RabbitMQ community will gather to share experiences and discuss the latest news.

During this one-day conference, experts, leading companies, developers, and enthusiasts from all over the globe get together for talks, training, and discussions focused on RabbitMQ. So, whether you’re an expert or just an enthusiast who wishes to learn more about RabbitMQ, this conference is for you. 

84codes and CloudAMQP will be in London on the 16th of September for the Summit! More information, including how to get tickets, the full schedule, and all the information you need, will be available on the Rabbitmq Summit official webpage www.rabbitmqsummit.com. For the latest news, ensure to follow the RabbitMQ Summit on Twitter.

Win two tickets for the Summit from CloudAMQP

On the CloudAMQP webpage, you can register to win two tickets! Read more about the competition here.

We hope you can join us! 

All the best, 84codes-team

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