84codes workaway at the Japanese spa hotel Yasuragi

The perfect balance between productivity and self-care in a beautiful setting
84codes is a remote-first company that values the freedom of time and space. However, we also recognize the importance of in-person meetings. These occasions are highlights of our year, where we focus on work, decision-making, onboarding new team members, and strengthening our bond as a group.

Just last week, we had the pleasure of hosting our autumn gathering at the exquisite Japanese spa hotel, Yasuragi, located in Stockholm. For four days, we had the opportunity to merge two worlds that aren’t always easily combined - intensive work and meetings with moments of relaxation at the spa.

It was an unforgettable experience, where we found the perfect balance between productivity and self-care and amazing food. (Although, we couldn’t resist the adventures and at one point, we swapped the Yukata for a heavy overall to go on a rib-boat experience.)

We believe that these gatherings are essential in strengthening our team and nurturing a positive work environment. It’s not just about the work we do, but also about the relationships we build and the experiences we share. We are grateful for the opportunity to come together, learn from one another, and recharge ourselves in such a beautiful setting.

Thank you, Yasuragi, for providing us with the perfect backdrop for our gathering. And to all our team members, thank you for your dedication, passion, and for making this event truly special. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for us as we continue to grow and work together as a unified team.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates from 84codes!

Here’s what happened:

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