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A cross team mini workaway in Linköping

As many as 16 employees (out of 25) from 84codes have or are currently studying at LiU, so It’s fair to say that Linkoping University can count as a home-base for 84codes. When planning a mid-October mini workaway, Linköping was a good fit.

That special “back to school” feeling and the colors of oaks and maple trees turning slightly yellow welcomed the team to Linköping where new projects and cross-team collaborations were to take place. Even though a lot of us still had Åre fresh in our minds, we could not resist the treat of getting together again for a mix of socializing and work, as per usual.

A visit to the University was of course on the agenda and so was a bit of competition and brain exercise as the teams met in an escape-room challenge.

84codes in Linköping 84codes at DoSpace

During our stay, we were warmly welcomed by the team at DoSpace Sweden, who offered us a place at their cozy co-working space. 84codes at DoSpace

The outcome of this workaway exceeded our expectations and we hope to be able to come back to Linköping again soon.

Until next time,

Elin & the 84codes team

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