84codes held a much-appreciated talk at Tjejer Kodar

A summary of Anna, Lovisa, and Annie’s presentation of microservices, message queuing, and remote working

Anna, Lovisa, and Annie from 84codes recently participated in an online event presented by the organization Tjejer Kodar. Their pedagogical introduction to microservices and message queuing was well received by the audience. “Such a nice presentation, I love how the slideshow made it all so easy to grasp!” one listener said.

Tjejer Kodar’s mission is to promote tech to women and is one of the leading actors on the Swedish market in supporting education and courses to the tech community. At this event, held on 14 October, 84codes held an introduction to microservices and message queuing, and why they are such a hot topic. Anna, Annie, and Lovisa from 84codes helped the audience of a little over a hundred listeners from a wide range of industries familiarize themselves with the basic concepts.

Tjejer Kodar talk

The talk was complemented by a slideshow that broke down the complicated topics in a fun and easily understandable way, which was much appreciated amongst the listeners. Anna, Annie, and Lovisa also talked a little bit about the remote lifestyle which permeates employment at 84codes.

If you missed out on the talk, a recording is available on the Tjejer Kodar webpage.

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