84codes finally visits Hemavan and Tärnaby

A workaway in winter wonderland
As a workaway destination, Hemavan/Tärnaby in the Swedish mountains has been a topic of discussion for a long time. The planning was almost complete back in 2020 when the pandemic struck, and it’s been on our minds ever since.

The reason for our interest in Hemavan holds many answers. A few of us have deep roots in the area and are in love with the nature and scenery (we even have an employee who moved to the area partly for that reason), but we also love the idea of spending time together in a location that allows us to be active, outdoors, and with the mountains as our playground.

Our workaways allow us to meet, work, and team-build for one week, but we understand that leaving your family for a whole week can be difficult for some. We try add weight to the schedule for at least one or two days (depending on workaway length) where we plan a set of work and team-building activities, to make it easier to prioritize among days when you can’t stay for a whole week.

For some, this was their first workaway and meeting with new colleagues, and for others it was the first time visiting Sweden and even seeing snow. The Easter eggs of experiences, meetings, atmosphere, and collaborations really hit the roof this time and we left Hemavan/Tärnaby with a feeling of gratitude - not only for our amazing colleagues and that we get to know each other under such privileged circumstances, but also for the beautiful world we are living in.

We will let the photographs from this workaway speak their own language, but if you want to know more about our workaways and the behind the scenes, follow @84codes.official on Instagram. We will provide you with a broader sense of what it means to us.

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